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Wed 30 May 2018

'Arte Flamenco Puro'

Juan Martín Flamenco Dance Trio

with Antonio Aparecida & Amparo Navarro

Juan Martín Flamenco Trio “Arte Flamenco Puro”
with Antonio Aparecida – singer
and Amparo Navarro – dance

Juan Martin, a truly awe-inspiring guitarist, composer and all encompassing musician returns to tour the UK with great new artists, direct from Spain. Juan’s new dancer is the prize winning Amparo Navaro. Her tremendous footwork and passion joined with the extraordinary singer Antonio Aparecida and the poetry and emotion of one of the world’s leading guitarists make for a performance not to be missed.

‘He has a terrifyingly good technique and an absolute dominante of the guitar filling the concert hall with crystalline clarity’ El Mundo.
‘A giant of the flamenco tradition’ The Times

Venue: Chapel Arts Centre


Wednesday 30th May 2018

Price: £18 adv / £20 door
Doors open: 19:30  
Start time: 20:00  
Add to your calender

Venue access: We regret there is no wheelchair access to this venue

Tickets available on the door and from:

  • Chapel Arts< (Tel. 01225 461700)