For many people, the stage is at the heart of Fringe, and we have a real feast of that for you this fortnight!
Theatre & Cabaret
Listings for Theatre, Cabaret
Friday 25th May 2018
Various venues
Bath Fringe Opening Night
Circomedia walkabouts
On Friday 25th May the Circomedia students burst out of their studios and onto the streets, in a chaotic and frolic filled evening of walkabout performance. Prepare to see the world differently as this talented group of thirty international circus performers roam the streets of Bath in search of an audience. This isn’t your normal Friday night out. More info and booking...
The Mission Theatre - Main Auditorium Friday 25th May 2018
Tantalising Tasters at The Mission
The Mission kicks off an exciting fortnight of Fringe frenzy with a theatrical treat - a chance to glimpse ten minute tasters of many of the Mission’s Fringe shows. And then meet the actors, network and relax in the The Mission’s Fringe Hub Bar with a glass of Fringe Fest Fizz! More info and booking...